Welcome to my new blog. This blog will mostly be about my quilts, learning to really use my longarm quilt machine, other than meandering around cause it's easy and just some of the fun stuff I like to make. You will see my quilts, my granddaughter and her quilts, and my crazy dogs who like to sit on my sewing table while I sew. I also love to make Sock Monkeys....crazy sock monkeys!!! So get a diet coke, sit back and read about me and my quilting/crafting life.
This is a recent quilt I've made for my daughter, Kerri. She is a true blue, die hard Bears fan. This was a fun quilt to make, and I really like how it turned out. I had made her first one years ago, it was fairly simple. My Grandson, Mitch had decided to chew the corners up on it, so it was time to make her a new one. This one is much nicer.

This is a quilt I made for my friend, Monica's baby, Cole. It's sock monkey fabric (surprise!) and i love making the backs bright and cheery too.

Humbug Bags & Purses
Here are some cute little humbug bags I made for gifts for our office girls. I put bangle bracelets and candies inside. They were like eating popcorn to make them. After the first one, i couldnt stop!! Lots of girls got these from me for Christmas....I think I made like at least a dozen!!!

I love making little purses. It started off making a tiny one for my mom. She had arthritis and had a hard time holding traditional, heavy purses. So these little light ones were perfect to put over her shoulder and scoot around Target on the motorized carts. They just sort of blossomed from there. We use to go to Disney all the time and they were perfect for that. Tickets, wallet and slimline cameras, they held everything you needed for the day, without weighing you down. I made this one for a halloween visit this year to Disney. I got a lot of compliments on it that day. Totally love the spiders!
My Halloween purse

Sock Monkeys
This is Tyrone, my gangsta Sock monkey. He was sorta created by a visit to McDonalds. I turned around and was looking at the happy meal toys in the display and saw the monkey head medallion. For some reason it just clicked that it looked like wild bling....and then I thought how funny it would be on a sock monkey. While going through my husbands sock drawer looking for a pair of red heel socks, i noticed some black healed ones he had never worn....and Tyrone was born. I have made at least four of the Gangsta versions for different people, including some friends in Sweden, who have a disney gangsta monkey named Buddy. A friend, Bailey that has a cowgirl sock monkey. Her name is Dakota. And one for my Jenny Craig girl, his name is Antoine. Michael's is a good place to get hats, shoes and some of the clothes. I make most of the clothes though, all the boy monkeys have boxer shorts on under their pants.

Tyrone got to visit Yankee Stadium...woot!
This is Buddy, the Swedish, Disney Sock Monkey!
This is an Army Monkey (duh) Not sure if he's been named yet, he lives north of Atlanta.
This is Dakota, she's in Albq., NM. Her chaps and vest are ultra suede!